SignalsTradeBot is a Algorithmic Trading website for the European Stockmarket and generates buy, sell or keep signals on a monthly basis. Every month you can read the buy, keep and sell signals for the stock exchanges in Amsterdam (AEX), Frankfurt (DAX30), Paris (CAC40), Brussels (BEL20), and Lisbon (PSI 20). And you can read all about how well the robot performs here.

This platform is relevant for people who invest money on the Stock Exchange and are looking for a rational, data-driven trading strategy. No opinions or emotions. SignalsTradeBot eats data for breakfast. His brain loves software scripts.

The main question for you is: How did the algorithms perform in the last 12 months?

Stock Exchange Yielt last 12 month
Amsterdam (avg. AEX, AMX and ASX)

Frankfurt 1,228%
Brussel 4,46%
Paris -1,96%
Lisbon 8,16%

How does it work?
A stock market robot is an algorithm, that automatically recognizes opportunities based in data. These opportunities are buying, keeping or selling a fund. The robot is fed with data and uses smart analysis software. The result is a clean, rational stock trading strategy.

The logic behind the robot?
The algorithm behind the robot is a complex software program that you can compare with a recipe. We don’t bother you which difficult models en software programs and spent our time in further improving the algorithm. We are constantly looking for new ideas and data sources to further improve the algorithm behind our robot.

Is it safe?
The only thing that matters: what does it get you. And that’s what our robot is all about. On this site, you can read exactly which decisions have been made by the robot for each fund. And what it has delivered. We calculate this over a longer period. So you know exactly what the robot has done. As you will see, the robot makes a positive result. However, it is not always possible to make a profit with individual funds. That’s part of it. The advantage is again, the robot will never ‘go out of control’.

The question: is the robot safe can only be answered by saying: look at the result. Okay, then the famous phrase: returns achieved are no guarantee for the future. Correct. And we counter that: the past is the best predictor of the future. That past, in other words ‘data’, is the most important input for us.

Why not automate the buy and sell decisions?
If the stock market robot automatically sends signals to buy, hold or sell, why doesn’t the robot do that for me? That could indeed be the case. But we don’t. That’s a choice. Why? As an investor,  you spent 97% of your time looking for information and making a choice.  To buy or sell is easy with most software tools and takes very little time. It’s just a matter of logging in to a stock app, entering your orders, and a few seconds later your order is executed.

SignalsTradeBot primarily aims to be a benchmark. The algorithm is a purely mathematical approach. So it is relevant for everyone to know: is my portfolio doing better than the stock market robot. Can you beat the stock market robot? Suppose you can invest your money through an asset manager. Then it is good to know whether that asset manager performs better than this stock exchange. After all, that intelligence manager quickly costs 1% of the money invested. Usually, you will be told: but we invest for the longer term. Or: your investment portfolio is completely tailored to your profile. The robot doesn’t take that into account at all. That’s right. That’s true. Because we don’t think this is relevant either. If you opt for a low risk, you will invest part of your assets in bonds and part in funds. We make statements about the latter.

How do I start
If you want to start following the robot, you do that by just looking at the buy signals. We assume for the sake of convenience that your portfolio is still empty. Only when you have bought a share can you see what the robot advises a month later. That can be: keep or sell. To buy or sell shares, you must have an investment account with your bank or a specialized internet broker. If you have shares in your portfolio and you want to follow the robot, look at the signals for the current month. You compare this with your existing portfolio. If you own a fund and the robot says sell, you can follow this signal. If the robot gives signals for funds that you do not have, you can decide to buy those shares.

The robot gives a signal to buy a specific fund. How many shares should I buy?
the robot only gives a signal whether to buy, hold or sell. You decide how many shares you want to buy. Information about the achieved return, as shown on this website, is the result of 1 share. Because it concerns a percentage, it does not matter whether it concerns 1 share or several. the rate of return remains exactly the same.

Do I have to follow all signals?
You make the decision yourself whether to follow a signal. If you decide not to follow a sell or buy signal, the result you achieved deviates over time compared to the robot.

The robot give signals for multiple exchanges. Can I only follow the advice for the Amsterdam Stock Exchange?
You are completely free to determine which signals you follow. It may be that you only want to follow the signals for the Amsterdam stock exchange. Or perhaps he prefers the Frankfurt stock exchange. We calculate the return achieved on our platform every time there is a stock exchange. If you choose shares from different stock exchanges, the overall result that you achieve may deviate from that of the stock market robot over time.

The robot advises to sell a fund. However, the price has fallen below the purchase price. So I make a loss. Should I follow this advice?
You will always remain responsible for your own investment account. Only you decide whether it buys or sells shares. If the robot advises to sell a fund while the share price is lower than the purchase price, that is the best signal according to the robot. It is possible that the price of that fund will subsequently rise again.

Does the robot take my risk profile into account
The robot knows nothing about you. You do not have to leave any information about yourself on this site to gain access to the signals. The robot, therefore, does not take into account the investor’s risk profile in any way. At the moment, the robot only signals for the funds on the various stock exchanges in Europe. You will therefore not find any signals here for investment funds or for index investing.

Can I start with a small budget?
Does it matter whether I have 10 thousand euros or 100 thousand euros in my investment account?
That doesn’t matter to the SignalsTradeBot robot. Our robot only sends signals, regardless of the size of your investment account. It is true that if the robot wants to follow, it is nice if you have several funds in your portfolio. It goes without saying that if you have more money to spend, you can also buy more different stocks. The number of different funds as well as the number of shares you want to buy is related to your risk profile.

Take the robot into account transaction costs
When calculating the yield, the software program looks only at the price of the fund. Transaction costs for the purchase or sale of shares are not included. Dividends paid are also not included in the calculated yield. There are several reasons for. The most important is that transaction costs vary between brokers. And the transaction costs depend on the total number of shares that are traded at that time. A person who buys 10 shares, for example, Lind (a multinational chemical company in Germany), pays proportionally more transaction costs than if you were to trade 1000 shares of Lind.
Dividends have a direct influence on the yield, Not all funds pay dividends. And the amount of the dividend can also differ. We, therefore, regard dividends as an ‘addition’ to the yield achieved. If you specifically want to buy funds that pay out dividends, signalsTradeBot is still an excellent benchmark. The question remains, is your portfolio outperforming the robots?